Upcoming Events

Newcastle & Hunter Valley Folk Group Run Regular Events throughout the Year. We encourage you to join us!

HUNTER BUSH DANCERS Here are your dates for 2025!! BUSH DANCE WORKSHOPS Held on the 3rd Sunday of every Month in the Supper Room, 2:00PM - 4:00pPM TERALBA COMMUNITY HALL, Anzac Parade, Teralba. Cost – Adults $8.00 – Folk Club Members $6.00 - Children under 16yrs accompanied by an Adult FREE! 19 January, 16 February, 16 [...]

Sunday 23 February 2025 - 3:00pm - 6:00pm Teralba Community Hall, Anzac Parade, Teralba Just a reminder that Folk Circle is starting up again in 2025!  Hope to see you there.  Door donation is still just $3.00 and we'll supply afternoon tea - please bring your own mug if you can.  Some people like to [...]

        NEW LAMBTON COMMUNITY CENTRE (OLD SAVOY THEATRE) Marilla is a woman of many talents. She is a classically trained singer, teacher and performer (MMusPerf), who loves performing across a range of genres, including folk, jazz, opera, oratoria and music theatre, and also writes her own songs and creates vocal improvisations. She [...]

The Newcastle Hunter Valley Folk Club presents a Traditional Australian Bush Dance Live Music and dance calling provided by TBA Teralba Community Hall, Anzac Parade, Teralba. 7:30 pm to 10:30pm Tickets: $20 adult, $17 Conc., $15 Club Member (family rate available) Children under 16 accompanied by an Adult FREE! Bring your own mug - Light [...]

About The Thomsons A folk / roots duo specialising in music that tells a story, Scott & Jenny Thomson (‘The Thomsons’) have entertained festival audiences across the Eastern seaboard for over a decade, quietly going about their business, delivering heartfelt ‘songs with a story’, with harmonies and delicate arrangements.  Be prepared to dust off your [...]

  The Water Runners hail from Kiama and Gerringong, South Coast NSW Australia, and have become a popular act at pubs, clubs, festivals and other events in the Illawarra, Shoalhaven, the Snowy's, far South Coast, Sydney and beyond. They play a high energy blend of original, bluegrass-infused Australian folk that also draws on country, roots and traditional folk. John [...]

Rosie is a singer/guitarist who has played in groups Mothers of Intention, Folklore, the Hippy Trippy band, RAPT, Seanchas, & with her partner mandolinis, Nigel Lever & solo. Rosie has a strong rhythmic drive on guitar, bouzouki & bodhran and a rich alto voice to lead us into stories from the Celtic,1960’s folk, trad and [...]

Come All Ye: Fire up those songs, poems or other performances and come along to a great night of sharing. For all those who love to sing, play, tell a yarn or recite poetry. Bring your voice and instruments, gather your friends, and sing and play together. This is your opportunity to be the performer [...]